Monthly Archives: December 2022

Miami’s Most Notable Recent Fraud Cases
Miami is a hub for business, and many entrepreneurs became incredibly successful in this area with a wide range of different products and services. Unfortunately, fraud and scams are also common in Miami, and some of the products that are being sold here either don’t exist or are not what customers think. Over the… Read More »

Can You Be Sued For Wrongly Implying Your Products Are Made In A Certain Location?
Certain locations are associated with high levels of quality. Clothes made in Italy carry a certain reputation, and food made in France tends to get the attention of food connoisseurs. But what happens if your company wrongly implies that your products are made in a certain location? Could this really form the basis of… Read More »

Why Are Disney And Kanye West Being Sued In Florida?
Disney and Kanye West might seem like two names on opposite sides of the spectrum. One is associated with controversy, while the other is associated with family-oriented entertainment. But recent lawsuits show that both entities are equally vulnerable to business lawsuits. So why are they being sued in Florida, and what does this tell… Read More »